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发表于 2006-7-19 10:55:06 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Meat Loaf音乐/其他/now系列/NOW2/I'd%20Lie%20For%20You.mp3

于1999年进入所有摇滚歌手梦寐以求、象征乐界最高荣誉的摇滚名人殿堂席位的Meat Loaf,在步入歌坛超过卅年后的今天,他为摇滚乐所做出的贡献获得了乐界一致的肯定。1951年生于美国达拉斯的Meat Loaf,由于生长于一个充满灵魂福音歌曲的家庭,所以一副雄浑充满灵性的歌喉,也可以算是得天独厚的天赋。1966年Meat Loaf与友人合组的团体「Meat Loaf Soul」,即为迷幻摇滚祖师级乐团「Popcorn Blizzard」的前身,身为主唱的Meat Loaf因着他浑厚的嗓音和极具强势爆发力的唱腔,攫获不少乐评以及同侪乐手及团体的瞩目。 之后的十年间,Meat Loaf陆续参与了几次像是:「Hair」、「Rainbow」、「The Rocky Horror Show」….等等乐史上最具影响力的摇滚歌剧的演出,不但展现了他傲人的演唱功力,也使得他琢磨出舞台表演的坚固实力。1977年首度以个人姿态推出的专辑"Bat Out Of Hell"奠定了Meat Loaf以后Theater Rock的特殊作风,承继Progressive Rock的前卫精神,Meat Loaf的歌曲编排多充满着结合管弦乐及古典摇滚交织的壮阔格式,其中又搀入浓稠的戏剧性,使得他的音乐在 Pop/Art Rock 的外衣之下,每一首歌曲都是一部有声电影 。

[ 本帖最后由 胖哥 于 2006-7-19 19:28 编辑 ]


 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 10:58:42 | 显示全部楼层
The Pretenders---伪装者合唱团
i stand by you

对来自俄亥俄州的奇女子Chrissie Hynde来说,叛逆就是一种坚持,难以驯服的摇滚态度,当个反皮衣服饰的行动派,作个追求自然的素食主义者,Chrissie在肯特州立大学念了三年,就在74年只身前往伦敦追逐摇滚生活,以帮NME杂志撰写乐评起头,周游法、美、英等国玩团,76年原本打算邀The Clash乐团的Mike Jones组团,78年,Chrissie与贝斯手Pete Farndon、吉他手James Honeyman-Scott、鼓手Martin Chambers组成The Pretenders,79年以一首The Kinks乐团团员Ray Davis所写的Stop Your Sobbing闯进英国金榜前30名,接以Kid乘胜追击,巡回演唱处处都是爆满人潮。80年首张专辑「The Pretenders」,Chrissie不加修饰的刚强情感嗓音正式引爆风潮,专辑坐上英国榜第9,单曲Brass In Pocket勇冠英国金榜冠军,Talk Of The Town拿下top10,就在80年,The Pretenders的绽放的新摇滚神采席卷美国。
why you look so sad
tears are in your eyes
come on and come to me, now
be ashamed to cry
let me see you through
cause i\'ve seen the dark side, too

when the night falls on you
you don\'t know what to do
nothing you confess
could make me love you less

i\'ll stand by you
i\'ll stand by you
won\'t let nobody hurt you
i\'ll stand by you

if you\'re mad, get mad
don\'t hold it all inside
come on and talk to me now

what you got to hide
i get angry too,
well i\'m a lot like you

when you\'re standing at the crossroads
and don\'t know which path to choose
let me come along
cause even if you\'re wrong

take me in into your darkest hour
and i\'ll never desert you
i\'ll stand by you.

and when
when the night falls on you baby
you\'re feelin\' all alone
you won\'t be on your own

i\'ll stand by you
won\'t let nobody hurt you
(i\'ll stand by you.)

i\'ll stand by you

[ 本帖最后由 胖哥 于 2006-7-19 11:02 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 11:11:10 | 显示全部楼层
The moffatts
David Michael William Moffatt
Clinton Thomas Moffatt
Robert Franklin Peter Moffatt
Scott Andrew Moffatt


Girl of my dreams

You are the girl
in my dreams
in my heart
I believe
You are the girl
in my dreams
Baby of my dream

All alone in my room
Wishing that you were here
Without you in my arms
I\'m holding back all of the tears
Without you in my life
I\'ll never be satisfied

Sometimes I feel
I could have been better to you
All I want is a chance
To prove that my love is true

Baby let\'s go back in time
To when our hearts would shine
And I could hold you tight
in my dreams at night

http://www.oumei.net/music/mp3/0 ... f%20My%20Dreams.mp3

[ 本帖最后由 胖哥 于 2006-7-19 11:13 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 11:23:32 | 显示全部楼层



Sung By \"Goo Goo Dolls\"

And I\'d give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You\'re the closest to heaven that I\'ll ever be
And I don\'t want to go home right now

And all I can taste is this moment
And all I can breathe is your life
And sooner or later it\'s over
I just don\'t want to miss you tonight

And I don\'t want the world to see me
Cause I don\'t think that they\'d understand
When everything\'s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

And you can\'t fight the tears that ain\'t coming
Or the moment of truth in your lies
When everything feels like the movies
Yeah you bleed just to know you\'re alive

And I don\'t want the world to see me
Cause I don\'t think that they\'d understand
When everything\'s made to be broken
I just want you to know who I am

1985年主唱兼吉他手John Rzeznik与玩重金属乐的表哥Robby Takac找来前鼓手George Tutuska,于美国纽约州水牛城组成了三人摇滚团体Goo Goo Dolls。成军15年以来发行过6张专辑,虽然前4年的摸索期所发行的两张专辑并未让他们尝到成名的滋味,却使得Goo Goo Dolls那种多元流行的摇滚乐风在乐坛中留下良好的印象,而1991年的第三张专辑「Hold Me Up」终于让他们渐露头角,在另类摇滚乐领域内小有名气。接着主唱兼吉他手并且负责词曲创作的John Rzeznik力图改变风格,于1993年发行了第四张专辑「Superstar Carwash」,风评与销售却地狱般的糟糕。遭受天大打击的Goo Goo Dolls重新思考在1995年推出反省作「A Boy Named Goo」,才扳回一成赢得许多摇滚电台的高度播放与支持。但随着成功而来的不是喜悦却是冲突与痛苦,首先因为前鼓手George Tutuska个人兼差太多而被两兄弟开除,虽然新的鼓手Mike Malinin很快地就为乐团代来心的音乐生命力,可是跟随成功而来的压力,使得George Tutuska写作的灵感窒碍不前。

此时所幸电影\"X情人(City Of Angels)\"邀请他们为其原声带写作歌曲,这才解决了他们事业的危机。所谱写演唱的「Iris」一曲,不仅为他们赢得1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖\"年度唱片\"\"最佳流行演唱团体\"\"年度歌曲\"等三项大奖提名,将Goo Goo Dolls的乐坛声望与作品销售数字提携至顶端外,「Iris」一曲的制作人也是\"Dizzy Up The Girl\"此专辑的制作Rob Cavallo更以此获得\"年度最佳制作\"大奖。

对于自1987年便已发表其首张同名专辑的Goo Goo Dolls而言,\"Dizzy Up The Gril\"其实已是Goo Goo Doll的第六张专辑,但却是他们于1996年以\"A Boy Named Goo\"专辑(1995发行)首次在主流乐坛绽放光芒之后,令人期待近三年之久后于1998年9月发行的首张全新专辑。Goo Goo Dolls在此辑中的表现,很明显地又比前作成熟进步不少,圆融地将各种不同性格--强硬中带着温柔、侵略中又带有技巧,毫无间隙地凝聚成一首首精彩之作。因此,你可以在辑中同时听到铿锵有力的吉他节奏与悠扬的小提琴旋律共存的抒情曲「Black Balloon」、活泼有力的流行曲「January Friend」,以及充满爆发力又不失优雅的摇滚曲「Bullet Proof」。此辑不仅已在美国创下首批销售达50万张金唱片纪录,发行至今亦已累积销售近2百万张。此亚洲版除了收录「Iris」(#9)这首为电影所创的畅销名曲,及Billboard流行榜#8名、Adult Top 40榜#3名单曲「Slide」外,还额外收录其\"A Boy Named Goo\"专辑中的流行榜#5名、Modern Rock榜4周冠军曲「Name」...

电影《City Of Angels》邀请他们为其原声带写作歌曲,John Rzeznik所谱写演唱的《Iris》(希腊文,虹彩)一曲,为他们赢得1999年第41届葛莱美音乐奖年度唱片最佳流行演唱团体年度歌曲等三项大奖提名,将Goo Goo Dolls的乐坛声望与作品销售数字提携至顶端外,《Iris》一曲的制作人Rob Cavallo更以此获得年度最佳制作大奖。Goo Goo Dolls这才开始在乐坛树立了自己的地位,也找到了适合自己的POP ROCK〔流行摇滚〕风格。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 11:30:06 | 显示全部楼层
The Corrs---So Young

  The Corrs来自爱尔兰的Dundalk——距都柏林向北50英里,正好介于爱尔兰和北爱尔兰交界上的一个小城。他们是爱尔兰史上最成功的一支家庭组合,成立于1990年,由3朵姐妹花Sharon、Caroline、Andrea和成熟、稳重的大哥Jim组成,由于父母都是歌手,所以这四兄妹从小就表现出对音乐的天赋,并将自己的姓氏——“Corr”作为乐队的名称。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 11:41:17 | 显示全部楼层
Denean--angles calling me


angels calling me  
angels calling me in the night  
something I must see  
something I must see in this night  
such a night  
stars in the sky  
universe is passing by freely I fly with angels...calling me angels calling me  
angels calling me  
angels calling me ...in the night  
I am spiraling softly turning free...in the night  
angels whispering as they sing to me on this night  
such a night  
Stars in the sky  
sister moon is passing by  
Freely I fly with the angels...calling me  
angels calling me  
angels calling me  
angels calling me...in the night  
such a night  
angels calling  
angels calling  

on this night I see... every part of me  
hold this light  
It\'s your heart I see  
you are part of me...you are light
gentle light
angels calling ...you are light
angels calling..hold this light
angels calling...you are light
angels calling ...from the light
angels calling  
angels calling  
angels calling  

对于黛妮,大家可能不会像恩雅和莎拉那样熟悉。1993年的时候,她发行了《The Weaving(织梦)》,是一张极典型、极优秀的New Age音乐唱片。它以人类的和平、友爱、自由和真诚为诉求,表达了生活步调变异极快的现代人对原始、自然乃至宇宙的崇高敬意。整张CD中的音乐,绝大多数都以具有天籁音色的甜美人声来伴随和引导电子化的旋律行进,相互对映的主题印象。经过绝妙而不入俗套的编排,既陈述出飞逝的瞑想概念,又编织出袅袅梦境,随着飘渺轻盈的旋律袭过耳际,让人在不知不觉中感染到那份神游冥虚的美感。黛妮以其轻柔如丝的细腻金嗓子,清泉般的美丽艺术魅力,为你编织了一个美丽的梦境,晶莹剔透,无与伦比的美声一定会让你流连忘返。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 11:55:45 | 显示全部楼层

甜美嗓音神似Texas女主唱Sharleen Spiteri、可人模样恰若珊卓布拉克的Suzanne Mosson这样解释Standfast团名的意义:“这个团名就像是我们的座右铭,要为自己的音乐、为自己的信仰坚持到底”。这个意义深远的团名,不但是男团员Patrick Tucker的姓氏,也是他们首张专辑的名称。

Standfast成军的过程非常有趣。1997年,Suzanne与Patrick在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩相识,彼此认为可以组成搭档试试运气。“我们在某个地下室租了一间完全密闭的练团室。那个地方充满了年轻的音乐创作人,日夜不停地在写歌、录试听带。”他们欣赏The Beatles、Everything But the Girl、Pink Floyd、Coldplay以及Erykah Badu等艺人。对于写歌与60年代的旋律有着共同的热情,让Suzanne与Patrick凑在一起。



Carcrashes TV shows A drunkard on the side of the road
People running Fantasy or reality
Analyses and theories What does matter really
Tell me what to believe Won′t you bring me order
Tell me what to achieve baby So I can move forward
Tell me what to believe yeah
Carcrashes TV shows a drunkard on the side of the road
People running around Credit cards in place of distress
Go live your life on the internet That′s what Bill says
Conspiracies and mysteries Science fiction make-believe
Mankind′s misery Tell me what to believe
The sun goes up while I go down
My values all turned inside out
But I shall seek and I will find
A sun behind those misty clouds
We weren′t meant to give up Tell me what to believe

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发表于 2006-7-19 11:55:51 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-7-19 11:58:46 | 显示全部楼层
喜欢。 。。
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 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-19 12:02:30 | 显示全部楼层
乐队 S Clud 7

Never Had A Dream Come True
http://intra.bwflc.edu.hk/it-sch ... Dream_Come_True.mp3

Everybody\'s got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There\'s no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can\'t find ways to let you know
I\'ve never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I\'ve moved on
You\'ll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You\'re the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be with you
Somewhere in my memory
I\'ve lost all sense of time
And so my road can never be cos yesterday is all that fills my mind
There\'s no use looking back or wondering
How it could be now or might have been
Oh this I know but still I can\'t find ways to let you go
I\'ve never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I\'ve moved on
You\'ll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You\'re the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be
You\'ll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes you will, say you will, you know you will
Oh baby, you\'ll always be the one I know I\'ll never forget
There\'s no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try I just can\'t say goodbye
No no no no
I\'ve never had a dream come true
Till the day that I found you
Even though I pretend that I\'ve moved on
You\'ll always be my baby
I never found the words to say (words to say)
You\'re the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to
A part of me will always be
A part of me will always be with you

[ 本帖最后由 胖哥 于 2006-7-19 12:04 编辑 ]
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